What Tiny Flowers Should You Plant?
If you haven’t thought about planting small flowers in your garden, now is a good time to discover how they smell good and look beautiful. Tiny flowers are attractive because there are so many of them. A single plant can have thousands of blossoms that attract butterflies with their short nectar tubes. These plants are a flexible part of garden design that can be used to fill in small areas where bigger flowers won’t fit or may not look good. You can put them in a stone wall, plant them between bricks, use them to fill spaces, or add them to your yard landscaping.
Here are some small flowers that will make your borders, hanging baskets, and fairy gardens look even better.
Sedum, also known as stonecrop, is a plant that bees like. There are more than 600 different types of sedum, and they can either be short and close to the ground or tall and stand upright. They all have small groups of small, star-shaped flowers in different colors that bloom towards the end of the growing season. These plants have attractive leaves, which make them a great option for planting along borders, as groundcover, and in pots.
Egyptian Star Clusters
Egyptian star clusters are groups of small stars that resemble 4-inch bunches and have five points. These star clusters have flowers that produce a lot of nectar and grow in bunches for a long time. Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds are often drawn to these flowers because of the nectar. They are also known as pentas and make flowers in shades of red, pink, and purple. By removing the dead flowers on this plant, you can make it bloom for a longer time.
Rock Cress
If you don’t know about rock cress, there are over twelve different types to choose from, including the beautiful purple Axcent Lilac. During springtime, the leaves of these plants stay green and have lots of pink, purple, or blue flowers on them. The plants themselves are only 2 to 4 inches tall. Cut the plants after they have flowers to keep them in a small, rounded shape.
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